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Re: 1999 Convention - #4

To: Rocky Entriken <RENTRIKEN/>
Subject: Re: 1999 Convention - #4
From: John Lieberman <>
Date: Sat, 20 Feb 1999 21:00:36 -0800
Thanks a bunch, Rocky.  Since I couldn't afford, personally, to go and
my region couldn't afford to send me, it's nice to know what happened
without having to wait for the April issue of SportsCar!!!

John (Old Fartz & TLS #37) Lieberman

Rocky Entriken wrote:
> This is the fourth in a series of my notes from the Convention.
> Thanks for allowing me the bandwidth ...
> ** Disclaimer Alert **
> Please understand these are the things I thought were important (or were
> able to jot down as the conversation progressed) and these are just MY
> opinion. Additional comments are included in brackets [].
> If you wish to excerpt from them, you may. Please give proper credit and I
> request a copy of your publication which contains the information. Reply
> via private e-mail and I'll send my snail mail address. Thanks!
> ** End of Disclaimer ** <g>
> A couple of more public thank yous are in order -- First off, thanks to
> Bill Chambres who is the National Administrator for Conventions. Bill has
> been a tremendous asset to the club when it comes to conventions. Bill is
> most generally found behind the scenes, but it is his hard work that makes
> Fred Slick seem organized! (What a tough job <gd&r>!) Remember if your
> region is hosting a Roundtable or MiniConvention, he is available to help
> out.
> Secondly, thanks to Phil Clark of the San Diego Region who arranged for a
> fantastic visit to SeaWorld. The Shamu show was breathtaking, and you just
> haven't lived on the edge until you've seen Howard Duncan doing "air-backup
> singing". Not to mention New England RE Dick Patullo and his "air guitar".
> What great memories!
> Now to the Annual Awards Banquet ... I've included the award descriptions,
> as sometimes it is easy to forget what the awards represent. These are
> probably out of presentation order, once again I used the convention "book"
> to keep notes in. I'll start from the back and work my way forward.
> Nick Craw began the evening with a special presentation for outgoing Area
> 10 direction, Bill Bradshaw. And Fred Slick presented appreciation awards
> to Marge Binks and Phil Clark for their work on the convention.
> Tom Burke Memorial Award - Presented by the SCCA Chairman of the Board and
> the National Membership Administrator for the most improved membership from
> the previous year by a region.
>   Winner: Western Michigan Region
> Jim Fitzgerald Award - Presented to a competition driver showing great
> promise based on driving ability demonstrated during the year he/she first
> obtained their National license. Selected by the Competition Board, based
> on nominations submitted by the Executive Stewards.
>   Winners: Robert Sak & Mark Dismore
>   [I believe both finished on the podium at the RunOffs, Sak in SRF and
> Dismore in FC.]
> Dr. George G. Snively Memorial Award - Originally presented by the San
> Francisco Region unti 1988. Presented for outstanding contributions to
> safety in motorsports.
>   Winner: Alan Wilson
>   [I sat at the table next to Alan, and he was genuinely surprised at his
> winning this award. He presented a seminar on Tire Barriers on Saturday.]
> David Morrell Memorial Award - This award is presented to encourage
> continued participation in the Steward's Program by recognition of an
> active National Chief Steward who has exhibited outstanding performance,
> dedication to the sport while adhering to the highest principles. Selected
> by the Director of Stewards and the Executive Stewards.
>   Winner: George Fetzer, Northeast Division
>   [Sadly this was a post-humous award. Marge Binks did a wonderful job
> presenting this award in a very emotional situation. George's best friend,
> Bill Bradshaw accepted on his behalf.]
> Tom McKean Award - This award is given to an SCCA member for a single,
> outstanding act of sportsmanship involving self-sacrifice. Not awarded
> every year.
>   Winner: Henry Joy (for sharing his PRORally car with another competitor)
> Kimberly Cup - Awarded to the SCCA driver who has shown the greatest
> improvement in the past year. The Competition Board selects the winner.
>   Winner: Rob Hines (Washington DC Region) [son of proud W2W'er Bob Hines]
> Martin W. Tanner Award - First presented in 1963 to "an SCCA worker who
> displays unusual courage while exposed to danger." The Competition Board
> chooses the winner. Not awarded every year.
>   Winner: Phil Kane (Florida Region)
>   [Sadly, this too was a post-humous award. Phil managed to push another
> worker to safety when a Corvette hit their corner bunker. The driver was
> killed and Phil passed away about a month after the accident. His ex-wife
> and children were on hand to accept the award in his behalf.]
> President's Cup - Presented to the driver demonstrating ability,
> competitiveness, and success at the National Championship RunOffs(R).
> Selected by the Stewards of the Meeting and the Chief Steward of the
> National Championship RunOffs(R).
>   Winner: Brad Stout (St. Louis Region)
>   [In talking to Brad afterwards, he realized he'd forgotten to thank his
> wife for supporting his racing. Fortunately, Valentine's Day was Sunday, so
> he had a chance to redeem himself.]
> Carl Haas Cup - SCCA's highest award (formerly the Woolf Barnato Trophy)
> presented to the member who has made the most outstanding long-term
> contribution. Nominated by the last three recipients of the award and
> approved by the Board of Directors.
>   Winner: Bill Bradshaw
> Stay tuned, as the final chapter will summarize Peter Hylton's informative
> two seminars on the SCCA Archives.
> Kelley Huxtable
> Des Moines Valley Region
> "Worker Bee"

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