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Re: Surge tanks and motor mounts, why not?

To: Mark Sirota <>
Subject: Re: Surge tanks and motor mounts, why not?
From: Dale Thomas <>
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 19:13:22 -0800
Mark Sirota wrote:

> Doug Chase wrote:
> > A surge tank is not a device for enhancing performance, it is a device
> > designed to eliminate losing performance.  There is a difference.
> There is?  I don't see the difference.  Performance is relative.
> A car with a surge tank (if it's a car that needs one) goes faster if it
> has a surge tank than if it doesn't.  It's lighter and it gets more
> consistent fuel delivery.  Right?
> Note -- I'm not commenting on whether or not they should be legal, just
> trying to understand Doug's point.  Personally, I think they should be
> legal, but not because they don't enhance performance!
> Mark

I hope no one gets mad if I jump in on this one. But if you install a "surge
tank" you are adding something to the car, hence you are adding weight. I
also thinks it's more of a reliability issue. If the motor goes lean, you
can cause some serious damage especially to a rotary motor. It doesn't add
horsepower or anything else except weight and something else to go wrong.


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