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Re: g-Force Tire Questions

Subject: Re: g-Force Tire Questions
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 13:15:48 EST
In a message dated 2/12/99 12:08:36 PM EST,

> Well, I'm the proud owner of a set of brand spankin' new 275 40R17 g-Force 
> R1s, and I gots a few questions:
>  1) I used to run ~35 PSI in my old-model 245 R17 R1s, so a reasonable 
> starting pressure is about, what, 45 PSI for the g-Force?

BFG suggests starting at least 8psi higher than what you ran with the 230's.

>  2) Do the g-Forces react to air pressure changes the same way as the
> old R1, ie, backwards to every other tire on the planet? (Increase pressure
> to lessen grip, decrease pressure to increase grip)

No, they are the same as most others now....RAISE pressure to increase

>  3) Is it just me, or is there way less rubber on this tire? When I look at
> inspection holes on my well used, shaved old R1s, it seems like the hole is
>  deeper than on my new, unshaved g-forces - although this may be an optical
>  illusion, as the inspection hole on the gF is much bigger than on the OR1, 
> and it's got that funny step in it.

Don't know the answer to this one.

>  For the money I spent on these tires, they'd better last longer than one
>  event....

The 230 R1's would last 85-90 runs on the M3 last year, but that was with
75-80% of them on asphalt.  My first set of g-Forces went 70 runs, but
28 of those were on concrete.  Based on that I'd say the wear should
certainly not be any worse than the 230's, and could be better.

>  4) What are we supposed to use as a rain tire?

Umm, you did save a set of full-tread 230's for that, didn't you?  :-)

>  5) Did anyone find they had to change shock settings when they moved
> from the OR1 to the gF? Harder or softer in bump, rebound, or both?

Definitely softer in general.  The higher pressure alone makes the tire
less compliant, construction differences not withstanding.  It's likely to be
car-specific and will probably take some tuning to get the best out of them.


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