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damned happy99 virus, sorry guys and gals

To: "autox mailing list" <>
Subject: damned happy99 virus, sorry guys and gals
From: "Eric Linnhoff" <>
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 11:28:47 -0600
Apparently Lieberman sent me a virus unknowingly and I, also unknowingly,
passed it along to the entire list.


But I've got a fix for it.  Apparently it's a fairly benign virus which just
attaches itself to every e-mail that you send out.

Here's the cure as sent to the Neon mailing list by a more knowledgeable
fellow than I.


happy99.exe is an internet worm virus vor win95/nt systems.  if you run
it, it displays some pretty fireworks, but behind the scenes it alters
your winsock system files and from that point forth, any address you send
mail to will also recieve a copy of the program.  i'm sure eric didn't
intentionally send this out - if you look at the message headers, you'll
see the X-Spankska: Yes line.

for more information (including a fix) check out:

See you on course.

Eric Linnhoff in KC
#69DS    TLS #13
'98 Neon R/T

Take a ton of bolt and steel
A whole lotta sweat, a set of wheels.....On the Speedway.
The flag is down, pistons pound
Plenty of engines ripping around......On the Speedway.
"Speedway" by Elvis Presley

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