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Re: Meridian Entry Rumor

Subject: Re: Meridian Entry Rumor
From: John Galligan <>
Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1999 11:25:50 -0600
Mark and all;  I faxed my entry in last week, but it did not go through.  The
nice folks at SCCA were able to make out my name, that was it.  They got my work
phone #, called me and asked what i was trying to send. That sweet little girl
took all the info by phone, so what could have been a real problem, was not.
Thanks sweet little girl at SCCA.

                                         John  TLS#5 wrote:

> I wrote:
> > A little bird just told me that the axe is getting ready to fall on the end
> > of the Meridian Tour entry list of 200.
> Another little bird told me that the SCCA fax machine just went into
> hyperdrive  :-)
> M Sipe

John Galligan
SCCA-Gulf Coast Region
Cavalier Z24

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