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Re: SpeedBleeders- stock legal?

Subject: Re: SpeedBleeders- stock legal?
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 01:25:14 EST
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Sorry I'm a little late in catching up with this discussion.

 Re: the SpeedBleeders, Ditto what Phil E. said.
    FTR: I've been using SpeedBleeders for 2 years now. Love 'em, highly
recommend them, wouldn't want to be with out them. Have run SpeedBleeders for
the entire Buccaneer Region 97 & 98 season & at all three events of both the
97 & 98 SE Div Series, and publicly listed them as a sponsor for the 98 SE Div
season. Made no secret of the fact that I was using them, even demonstrated
them for a number of people at events. Handed out product info brochures that
Michael Sulwer, the inventor/manufacturer, had included with the 2 sets of
SpeedBleeders he sent me to field test. Never had a single protest mentioned.
(Maybe that says something about the good sportsmanship of the area - everyone
I've run with down here would rather win on the course, not in the impound
    As a "one-man racing team," I feel the SpeedBleeders are a definite
_convenience_ item, and NOT a performance enhancement. It can be very IN-
convenient to have to go find someone whom you can drag away from changing
their tires/setting up their own car/walking the course at an event, or
drafting a neighbor/friend to come over to the house, to "pump 'em up" for
you. (Being single again and working nights does have some minor
disadvantages, I guess<bg>.) The end result with SpeedBleeders, though, is the
same as if someone had helped in the conventional manner- the brakes have been
bled. Period. There is _no_ resulting performance difference between the two

   From the 1999 Solo Rules book, pg. 89, Stock Category Section 13.2.A:
"Accessories, gauges, indicators, lights and other appearance, comfort and
convenience modifications which have no effect on performance and/or handling
and do not materially reduce the weight of the car are permitted."
   I believe that the SpeedBleeders comply entirely with these parameters as a
convenience modification that has no effect on performance or handling and
makes no difference in the weight of the car. 

     So, if anyone feels differently, I'm stating it here for the record--
I've been running SpeedBleeders on my 944 since 97. I will continue to run the
SpeedBleeders until I'm told I can't by someone with the official capacity to
do so. Anyone thinks I'm protest-bait or wants to make me the test case, bring
it on & we'll let the SEB/Howard make a ruling on 'em. But I'd rather give you
one of the product brochures, show you how they well they work & how
_convenient_ they are and help Mr. Sulwer sell some more of them!  8-) 
 Joe (digest mode) Anderson
 CS #33 944 8V
 Buccaneer Region
 97 & 98 SE Div CS Champ (with SpeedBleeders)
 Got SPANKED (36/40) at 97 Nationals & loved every bit of it! (I'll be
 **Note: new Email address--->   << >>

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Subject: SpeedBleeders- stock legal?
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 05:52:19 EST
Mime-Version: 1.0

Re: the SpeedBbleeders, Ditto what Phil E. said.

   FTR: I've been using SpeedBleeders for 2 years now. Love 'em, highly
recommend them, wouldn't want to be with out them. Have run SpeedBleeders at
all three events of both the '97 & '98 SE Div Series, and listed them as a
sponsor for the '98 season. Made no secret of the fact that I was using them.
Even demonstrated them for a number of people. Handed out product info
brouchures that Micheal Sulwer, the inventor/manufacturer, had included with
the 2 sets of SpeedBleeders he sent me to field test. Never had a protest.
(Says something 'bout the good sportsmanship of the area, I guess - everyone
I've run with down here would rather win on the course, not in the impound
   As a "one-man racing team", I feel the SpeedBleeders are a definite
_convenience_ item, and NOT a performance enhancement. It can be very IN-
convenient to have to go find someone whom you can drag away from changing
their tires and setting up their own car, or drafting a neighbor/friend to
come over to "pump 'em up" for you. (Being single again and working nights
does have some disadvantages, I guess<bg>.)

    So, if anyone feels differently, I'm stating it here for the record-- I've
been running SpeedBleeders on my 944 since 97. I will continue to run the
SpeedBleeders 'til I'm told I can't. If you think I'm protest-bait, bring it
on & we'll let Howard make a ruling on 'em.

Joe (on digest mode) Anderson
CS #33 944 8V
Buccaneer Region
97 & 98 SE Div CS Champ (with SpeedBleeders)
Got SPANKED (36/40) at 97 Nationals & loved every bit of it! (I'll be
**Note: new Email address--->


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