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[BOUNCE autox@Autox.Team.Net: Admin request of type /^\s*approve\b/i

Subject: [BOUNCE autox@Autox.Team.Net: Admin request of type /^\s*approve\b/i at line 4]
From: Mark J Bradakis <>
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 14:42:18 -0700 (MST)
     Date: Mon, 08 Feb 1999 14:43:04 -0800
     From: "Robert M. Pickrell Jr." <>
     Subject: Re: Tiny bubbles...o...o....o....o.....o...

These are not a convenince item. You could argue that they are not a
performance advantage, but would need to have that in writing from the SEB. Or
you might want to make a general proposal, but I would bet they would not
approve it. More red tape.


Eric Linnhoff wrote:

> >Brake fluid draws moisture. Moisture is water and water is H2O, ie air
> >molecules. These accumulate in the fulid and the end result is a steday
> decline
> >in brake performance. This why you should never use a opened bottle of
> brake
> >fuild for the BEST autocross or racing results. This is ok for normal
> street
> >applications. As you might guess the heat cycle action increases
> condensation,
> >so when we get our brakes real hot each weekend we hasten this process.
> That is
> >why frequent brake bleeding is reccomended.
> >
> >Rob
> =======================
> A-HA!!!!!
> That's exactly why I recently ordered a set of the Speedbleeder screws.  So
> that I could easily, by myself, bleed the brakes as frequently as I feel I
> need to.  ANy thoughts as to a good brake fluid to use?
> Any more thoughts on whether or not the speedbleeders are legal to use in
> Stock Class?  _I_ certainly would consider them a "convenience" item.
> See you on course.
> Eric Linnhoff in KC

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  • [BOUNCE autox@Autox.Team.Net: Admin request of type /^\s*approve\b/i at line 4], Mark J Bradakis <=