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Re: Perfect autox software

To: Rob Gregg <>, Mark Sirota <>,
Subject: Re: Perfect autox software
From: Greg Lee <>
Date: Tue, 09 Feb 1999 07:53:06 -0600
Give Rob's software demo a look-see and I think you will be satisfied.

I have been playing with the demo for a few weeks and have only one
functuion left to test and then it is a definite "buy" for my region.  I
developed a similar software package but it lacked the timer interface,
which in Solo 2 is critical due to the fast pace at which times are
generated (a new time every 30 seconds).  After looking at Rob's software,
I think you'll agree that it's on the money.  Like I've always said, users
make the best software designers and Rob is obviously a user.

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