>From: "Mark J. Andy" <marka@telerama.com>
>It looks to me like Pro Ladies got a sponsor and Pro Open didn't. Not
>discrimination, just a difference in marketing.
>Now, it seems to me that this is a clear indication that having a ladies
>class seperate from the open class is just diluting the sponsor pool and
>further blows away the argument that the ladies classes are a 'novice' or
>'lower pressure' class before the women go to the open class, but who am I
>to judge.
There isn't anything to prevent YOU, or anyone else, from entering the money
making class. That paycheck is just a lawsuit away.
James Rogerson
p.s.. M. Sipe, I hate to think how you perceive my outward (inward?)
appearance as to compared to my found in field 240Z.
BSP - 240Z; EM - SPL311RX7
Affiliations: Team Laughing Stock #18; Old Fartz #86; Techless Enginerring
Nails are Glue, Tape is welding!
¡Si no desea trabajar, vaya se!