<<<Apparently Porsche went after EVERYONE using their brand and model
names on
the internet. For a complete listing go here:
<A HREF="http://www.porsches.com/thelist.txt">P on 'em</A>>>>
Actually, thanks to yours truly and a bunch of other very opinionated
assholes Porsche is NOT going after Porschelist -
(http://www.porschelist.com). Turns out Porsche has an unmoderated
international web page where you can express your opionions. After
dozens of posts inculding my opening salvo, Porsche contacted John
Dunkle - the webmaster - and they dropped their action - at least
temporarily. Sometimes it pays to bitch and moan. But now I'm preaching
to the choir... ;-)
Paul Foster
BTW, I still haven't heard anything about autocrossing in Mickey Mouse's
backyard. Is there autorcossing in Orlando in the Summer or is it just
too damn hot???