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Re: <concrete> and jump batteries

Subject: Re: <concrete> and jump batteries
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 19:59:43 +0000
I think this is an electrolytic reaction between the 
battery and the concrete as opposed to an electomagnetic 
field.  (Correct me if I am wrong!)  This is similar to 
bare steel rusting extremely fast when it touches 
concrete.  But I doubt you need more than simply a 
separation between the battery and the concrete.  Try a 
rubber mat or similar that can be rolled up. (anything 

Anyhow, how come the battery itself isn't sheilded since 
it is already encased in plastic?

<< I hadn't considered the rebar in the concrete being
<< a factor. However, it seems that a 1/2" to 1" thick
<< piece of wood wouldn't make much difference in that
<< case, either.
<< Thanks for entertaining my slightly off-topic
<< question. Hope to see several....

And this is not off topic if it keeps us from 
discharging our batteries.  Thanks for the heads up!

Robert Lloyd

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