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Re: [Alpines] OFF TOPIC SNOW.....

To: Tony Somebody <>, <>,
Subject: Re: [Alpines] OFF TOPIC SNOW.....
From: "Jan Eyerman" <>
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2009 11:05:51 -0500
Back in the day..... I used to use a pair of brown paper supermarket bags to
block off the radiator.  They would slip in easily from the top and I could
move them around to let more or less air through.  This worked fine with all
of my older Rootes cars but was a total failure on my 1969 Sunbeam Alpine GT
(fastback).  It seems those cars use a special thermostat that closes off the
heater connection when the thermostat fully opens... this keeps the heater
from bleeding any heat into the car in warm weather.  A good idea, but one
that precludes blocking off the radiator in winter!

Jan Eyerman
Support Team.Net

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