Well, tomorrow morning we launch the big red trailer and the World's
Fastest Sunbeam (wannabe) in the direction of Wendover, UT. We should
arrive there around 2 - 3 pm in the afternoon if we take it easy. We
will be staying at the Super 8 motel.
Many of you have been following th etrials and tribulations of the car
and team. Some of you may know that at the August meet we made 184 mph.
So we got our B driver's licsense and also attained the speed necessary
to run on the long track if we want to do that. That run was the best of
the meet for us and all subsequesnt runs were awful. It was pretty
obvious that the motor was severely injured. When we returned home, I
began to disect the motor and it's bits and pieces. Here is what I
think happened. The boost was very high at 18 psig for the size of
injectors I used, 42 #/hr. That should have been ok if the boost was at
about 11 or 12 psi. But it went to 18. The brain box tried to
com[pensate by flowing all the fuel it could possible flow: injectors
went to 100% duty cycle and that really wasn't enough for that air. One
injector, #3 seems to have partially failed and that caused a lean out
on that cylinder. So, what happens when you lean out at full boogie?
Well, you kill that piston and that is what I did. Burned a corner off
of it, locked the rings in place and rubbed all the hide off the four
corners of that piston (boss under the wrist pins at each end on both
sides). Pounded the crap out of the bearings on the rods and mains.
Scored #4 main a bit. So bought new pistons, rings, rod and main
bearings. New SCE ICS Titan head gaskets, new solid copper header flange
to head gaskets. The COmetic HG I used before was looking like it wanted
to leak in a couple of places. The header gaskets flat blew out is
several ports. I think I have all that cured now. I also purchased 60
#/hr injectors and those are installed. During the reassembly I found a
waste gate hose burned bad enough to leak all the waste gate diaphram
air on the bottom sides of both waste gates (common plumbing). That
meant if the ebay controller was working, then it was holding the gates
closed. Since I am using old T-bird turbos, the resulting exhaust back
pressure was too much. I nearly cooked the stainless steel exhaust
valves as well, they turned a sickly blue color. I now have inconel
valves to cure that problem. Unfortunately, as much as I wanted to we
could not make the September meet. Fortunately, the lake is dry and hno
forcast for rain in the next few days so the ellusive October meet is
on! So we are off to see what we can do: this is planned to be a mostly
tunning meet for us tho if the opportunity is there and the car is
running well, we are going for it! 205 plus maybe, hopefully..
The dyno on Saturday was sorta like kissing your sister. It ran but it
also ran out of ignition or maybe it was the high boost exhaust baxkup
issue again. I reached 18 psig again unintentionally. But it was
misfiring badly so the problems of August did not repeat. It doe shold
promise thoug if I can find the happy boost lever, which I think is
around 1 psi then the car will run fine indeed. On the high boost dynp
pull we made 357 rwhp and 531 rwtq. Have to work back through the gears
to get flywheel stuff but that impressed me. It was at 3750 rpm. I stil
lhave 2650 rpm to go! And to reclaim the spark, I installed a MSD 6A
spark box today. It started right up so no miswiring ( power, gnd, 4
signal wires, lol, how bad can it be?)
We have a new laptop computer connect card from AT&T so we can have
comunications just about everywhere. If anyone want sto send messages to
me after tonight, please send them to
drmayf@yahoo.com That is the email I will be monitoring...
wish us luck!