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Re: looking for seat cover...

To: "Lauri Lehtinen" <>, "Paul R. Breuhan"
Subject: Re: looking for seat cover...
From: "Chuck Nicodemus" <>
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2007 09:29:21 -0800
Paul and Lauri, as you may have noticed in the past year some of the normal 
Sunbeam people have migrated to the  forum pages. Or 
the ,
But also many have dropped off of the information highway , probably due to 
lack of need or "got all the parts I need" area.
But not also to mention the advent of the ebay sales pages.

Now you will have to register to get on the SAOCA, but there are alot of 
guys and gals there. I keep up on about 5 different spots just to see what 
is going on.

Good luck in your findings
Chuck and The Pumpkin,,, Oregon USA 

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