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Re: Got yoke?

To: "Alpine Discussion List" <>
Subject: Re: Got yoke?
From: "Barry Hayes" <>
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 07:48:41 -0700
Someone suggested that I look into just fixing it with a
Speedi-Sleeve. Anyone have experience with that? I'm mostly worried
that with that 1/10 inch wear whateverhad worn that down would just
wear down the sleeve or beat it out of round.

Where did that 1/10 inch GO? A seal spring couldn't wear out the shaft
that much. Of course, it could be some old wear that has nothing to do
with the current problem.

On 7/17/06, Barry Hayes <> wrote:
> The rear transmission seal of the electric Alpine is shot, and that
> part I can find. But the yoke is pretty badly chewed up, and the u
> joints could use a replacement. Anyone have a yoke they didn't have
> big plans for? 1967 Series V .. I can't find one at Sunbeam
> Specialties, but that's just browsing their catalog, and I couldn't
> even find the catalog entry for it.
> Oh, and say .. Is it normal for the radius of the yoke to vary? It's
> fat up by the spines for about an inch, then maybe 5 or 6 inches
> thinner by about 1/10 inch or so diameter, then fattens out again.
> Very approximate measures, since the part is not in my hands at the
> moment, and I'm too damn lazy to find out accurate .. If that's not
> normal, something has done some pretty bad thing to that yoke ..
>  -Barry
> --
> bhayes yat cs dot stanford dot edu is what you should put in your
> contact files -- it'll forward to me no matter where I move

bhayes yat cs dot stanford dot edu is what you should put in your
contact files -- it'll forward to me no matter where I move

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