Recently, I installed Pertronix (positive earth) Ignitor in my early
Series I (with some advice from Ed Esslinger) and it works very well!
The main problem is that if you want to have it reversible, (so that you
can re-install the points in the event of problems) and you follow their
instructions exactly, you end up installing an extra ground from the
coil and with two wires unused and taped to the old wiring harness. Not
too elegant, but only had slight timing adjusment after installation,
and no loose magnet problems as mentioned on the other list. Available
from SS.
Ron Tebo - Series I - B9000627
JACranwell@aol.com wrote:
>I'm assuming you do not have electronic ignition, as I don't
>think you can find this for a positive earth.
>Julian. SIII (Neg Earth, with SV tachometer)
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