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Re: Trademark of Sunbeam

To: "Steve Laifman" <>,
Subject: Re: Trademark of Sunbeam
From: "Chuck Nicodemus" <>
Date: Tue, 31 May 2005 16:19:05 -0700
Sure looks like some nock off of a cheep chineze or korean junk pile you see 
running around . None of the pictures are very clear on the sales jab, maybe 
it's like the jesting commercials around for Coopers knock offs..  Any 
(working)lawyers in the group? Have a need for a work out..
And as for both being from the state of litigation and false claims, it 
Well Steve you did it again !! Got me all charged up. Now I wish I could 
figure out how to find the trademark link.
My 2.75 p

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