Any Colorado area listers -
I've received a clue that there may be a Humber in a Denver area
salvage yard, possibly named something like "Scotland Yard" or such.
Does this sound familiar to anyone, or has anyone happened to see a
Humber in a Denver salvage yard? While I'm asking, I also heard about a
pair of Commer vans in the Denver area - does that ring any bells???
In specific, I'm trying to find manual transmission shifter and
pedal bits for a LHD 60s Super Snipe. LHD stickshift Humbers aren't too
common here in the States, so I'm following up on any leads I encounter.
This is older info, so the yard or the car may or may not still exist.
Many thanks, fellow Rootes fans!
Jon Arzt
Omaha, NE USA
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