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Clutch/Tranny saga continues

To: List Alpine <alpines@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Clutch/Tranny saga continues
From: Ed Howard <>
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2005 13:16:38 -0800 (PST)
Thanks to all who gave great advice for my
clutch/tranny problem yesterday.

I believe that, with the great help of all of you, I
have narrowed it down to the following:

1. Problem with either the clutch master cylinder or
the slave cylinder

2. Problem with the clutch throwout bearing

Before I pull the tranny (or hire someone to do it),
how can I test the slave cylinder to see if it needs a

I had the clutch master cylinder rebuilt not too long
ago, so I am ruling that out as the problem child at
the moment.

Thanks again for all the continued good advice. I wish
you all lived closer and could just come over and help
this mechanically challenged Alpine owner!

Ed Howard
Orange County, CA
67 Mark 5 

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