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Arizona Sunbeam Outing

To: "Tigers Group" <tigers@Autox.Team.Net>, <alpines@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Arizona Sunbeam Outing
From: "Louis & Laila" <>
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2004 21:34:13 -0700
For those of you who don't go to the Classic Sunbeam Alpine Owners forum, here
is some info for an event that will go in Arizona. Jim Dimond from Phoenix and
Lou Meyers from Yuma are hosting the event. We just need some inputs since it
is going to be as low key as possible. Fun and cars are the focus.

----- Original Message -----
From: Carl McLelland

The dates for the HSR-West season opener is Feb 18 for the driving school and
Feb 19-20 for the races.
    Carl "NOT too busy to be bothered by my Alpine friends!!"
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Louis & Laila

  Jim, I am not sure of the EXACT date, but it is Feb, the second weekend, I
THINK. I talked with Roger Davis, and Carl McClelland, and they are both 100%
scheduled to attend, with a partial committal from Andy Walker (10%) to make
       I am going to be there with my series 2. I am once again going to bum
off of Jim Dimond's exceptional hospitality. I am hoping to dodge work EARLY
Friday and get there so that we can have some kind of event Friday night,
strictly focusing on AZ Sunbeamers. The guys who are racing are too
preoccupied with racing to be bothered by us. I am hoping to have a 5pm to
10-11-12PM meeting, BSI-ing session. Hell, we could all go play miniature golf
then eat pizza and drink beer!
       Sat we could all meet at the PIR and scour the pits. Talk about AWESOME
cars. Sat night I am going to hang out in the pits like I belong, poseur that
I am, then Sunday, it will be to the track, only to leave around noon. So if
that sounds like something that everyone likes, lets focus on some locations.
    ----- Original Message -----

    Your email was forwarded to me by Nick Emmanouilides regarding any plans
for an upcoming Sunbeam event, since I am the unofficial keeper of the list of
Sunbeam Owners in Arizona.

    Last year at the VARA races in late January, an informal group of us
Sunbeam Owners decided we should have some sort of get together and/or a run
to some destination for the purpose of having fun with our cars. It was
decided to keep it informal and the only rule was that there are no rules. No
dues either, just comraderie of like minded people.

    The only upcoming event where Sunbeams will be participating that is known
to me is the VARA races in January again. Roger Davis may come down from
Colorado again with his Alpine race car. Lou Meyers said he is coming up for
the race to spectate. I expect to have my V6 Alpine running by then and Nick
will probably have his V6 Alpine running again for that event. There is the
annual British Car show sometime in February or March, in Phoenix, but I have
no information regarding that as of this date.

    We are all open to suggestions and if someone wants to set up a run to a
local restaurant or some other place, I am sure we can get some Sunbeams out
for the occasion. I know there are more than the 40 or so cars I know about
here in Maricopa County.

    Jim Dimond

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