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Leaky T-Fitting Revisited

Subject: Leaky T-Fitting Revisited
From: Ryan Lee <>
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2004 15:23:51 -0600
Thanks to a tip from Christopher Albers I picked up a 1/4" brass compression T 
at the local Canadian Tire and it works perfectly.
Because the nut works it's way up the inlet pipe I wound up with about a 1/8" 
gap between the carb body and the head of the nut and at first this gap spread 
the carbs too far apart for mounting. Since the inlet pipes are a press fit I 
carefully tapped on the tightened fitting until the carb bodies and the heads 
of the fitting were flush. Perfect fit. End of problem. Before installing the 
carbs I gave careful attention to alignment by adding extra gaskets to the 
thick carb spacer gasket. Thanks to all for the suggestions.
John Lee

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