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Re: Snow chains

To: <>, <>, <>
Subject: Re: Snow chains
From: "Chuck Nicodemus" <>
Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2003 13:19:25 -0800
Some may not as experianced as I ?? but in the 50's we only had walnut style
tires or those dreaded chains. Walnuts are probably the most envionmentally
tire for winter driveing also they tend to wear abit more ...Loose thier
nuts. They did work quite well too. Another note one the walnuts, you won't
get a chip in the windscreen from them as weel as the studs.
cheers, less sensitive~(8=)

> Chucks right, but being a more sensitive type, I'm trying the walnut tire.
> They use walnut chips instead of steel spikes.   I'll be in the snow with
> in two weeks and we'll see.

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