Good morning all, After returning home yesterday afternoon from
Harrisburg, PA and the TE/AE United , got the Talbot unloaded, all of the
"spares" put back away, and after a good nights sleep of more than just a few
hours a night for the last week I feel about normal, but some what let down.
When you are having so much fun you hate to leave and say it's over until next
I wanted to let every one know how much Tom, Joanna, and the entire teams
efforts were appreciated for putting together a great event. Those of you that
were there I'm sure will agree, those of you that weren't there sure missed a
great event. TE/AE has always had an open arms policy for Rootes cars other
than Alpines and Tigers and this was a good opportunity to show them off.
"All" Clubs were invited to participate, but a disappointing very few showed
up, 1 Minx, 1 Cricket, 3 Talbot Alpines, and 1 Talbot 90 DHC, and of coarse
all were very popular with the attending Alpine/ Tiger owners, maybe we will
see more next year! Thanks again all!