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Re: Cool as the proverbial cucumber!

To: Kurt Eckert <>
Subject: Re: Cool as the proverbial cucumber!
From: eric <>
Date: Tue, 09 Sep 2003 08:26:08 -0500
Being the lurking S____ A___ I am. I watched with humor all the conjecture,
speculation, and down right silliness about your problem.

I knew your timing was wrong.

That's why I suggested you verify & correct it.

I'm not one of these smart engineer types. However, I do remember, and it has
stuck with me, a para-phrased line from the movie "Contact".

Accam's Razor: A process of deductive reasoning where the simplest explanation
using the fewest assumptions or unknowns is
considered as the most likely explanation, unless it can be falsified. Then the
next simplest explanation is tested, and if it fails,
the third simplest, etc.

Thankfully you didn't tear your engine apart, pry out freeze plugs, or any of
the other nonsense.

A simple twist of the distributor and OH MY GOD it runs better.

Sorry or all of the acrimonious sarcasm. AND ALL OF MY PIN HEAD MISSPELLINGS

Lurker # 7342457342

P.S. It must now run like a strip-ped assed ape by comparison to what it was.
Hee Hee.......

Kurt Eckert wrote:

> Well I just went out and, just as a quick test, loosened the distributor on
> the 3GT and moved it a bit while it was running. I noticed that the car
> smoothed out significantly in one spot so I tightened it down there. I let
> it run for a few minutes and the temp gauge did not move at all. So, feeling
> cocky, I took it out for a spin. Well after running the circuit up and down
> my road, the same run that caused it to spout like old faithful, I pulled
> back in my driveway. The temp gauge had moved upwards buy about 1/2 of a
> needles width! That is some difference. From 220 degrees down to 120 degrees
> with just a few degrees of timing. Thanks to all who contributed. It looks
> like I may get some driving in this fall!
> Kurt

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