There are lots of ways of sorting out an unadjustable gap.
(Sunk valves would tend to close up gaps, which is the opposite of what you
are experiencing.)
Replacing all the rockers seems a little extreme. A new, and possibly longer
valve, might solve it. Or one new second-hand rocker. Failing that, grinding
a few thou off the bottom of the rocker posts, thereby closing up all the
gaps, might also do so.
Good luck!
> Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 08:07:14 -0700
> From:
> Subject: Replacing Rocker Arms
> I have a clicking rocker arm. I believe it is because the
> tip has worn to
> a point that I cannot adjust the gap right anymore. I am
> thinking about
> buying new rockers and wanted to hear if anyone knows
> anything about what
> is on the market. In the past, I have heard of replacement parts out
> there being not so good, or had flaws when built, or that
> it's better to
> get the stock parts rebuilt/reground/hardened, etc., or find
> NOS rather
> than later, or visa versa. Anyone know anything about the
> rocker arms in
> particular?
> That also raises a question about the replacement in the
> first place. As
> far as I can tell, only one is clicking. I have run the
> engine with the
> valve cover off, sliding in a feeler gauge on each rocker.
> This is a very
> neat thing - and certainly how they did valve adjustments for
> older cars -
> and older cars still had the rockers out in the open.
> Anyway, only one
> seemed to be making the noise and only that one got better
> when sliding in
> the gauge. That said, I figure if one is going, the others
> are probably
> just as close. But, I'm not in a rush to spend all that
> money. Also, I
> don't know how often the shaft itself wears out and needs to
> be replaced.
> Any comments on any of this would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Jay
> P.S. I also tried to post this to the SAOC Bulletin Board with no
> success. I don't know if it is my computer or the web site.
> I'll try
> again later.
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