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Is anybody home?

To: "Tiger's Den" <>,
Subject: Is anybody home?
From: Steve Laifman <>
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 09:16:54 -0700
Are you home?

Well, if you are, you are missing the greatest weekend in Sunbeamland.

You should be on your way to the Monterey Historic and cheer on the 5 
Tiger entrants.

Those of you beneath the Southern Cross, head north, turn right (east) 
at Hawaii (stop on the way back), and continue until you reach Santa 
Monica (which probably looks a lot like your own beach cities. Head 
north until the Hotel Prices begin to look like you are in Paris.

Those from the Far East (coast that is), head west until you reach a 
very large ocean and turn right.  (Minnesota - turn left).

All those antique old cars you see on the road are NOT collector 
restorations, but old used transportation cars that did not rust out. :-)

Have a really good time, enjoy our marvelous weather (not the 105 it is 
down here in L.A.) and cheer for our team.

Work in progress, whether you can go or not:

Watch that space after the race, when the participants can breathe again.

All in good fun,

---- and don't you wish you had Speedvision?  Better yet.  Don't you 
wish Speedvision would show it live?

Still have a chance - race day is the 15th, and this is only the 12th.  
Gumball rally and you can make the first event!!!


Steve Laifman

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