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three claw part retriever

Subject: three claw part retriever
From: Fred Levit <>
Date: Fri, 04 Jul 2003 09:41:21 -0500
A warm thank you to everyone that tried to help me locate this tool. Bob 
Douglas finally turned it up as an X-acto tool available from a site called 
modeltools at about $6.00 each.

I think it is a little over priced, but so useful that it is worth the 
money. I could have bought a bunch for gifts, but before I saw Bob's email, 
and after having tried everything else, I wandered into a CompUSA store 
where they had the $12.00 tool kits containing the retriever. I talked to 
one of the store people about the tool and aroused his interest. He went to 
his store computer, then asked me how many I wanted if they cost $7.00. So 
I got to buy four complete kits for $7.00 each instead of four separate 
retrievers on-line for $6.00 each. They will make great gifts.

If you don't have that little tool I would highly recommend buying one.

Fred Levit
Fred Levit
Wilmette, IL.  USA

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