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Re: Off Topic "Nat'l Do Not Call"

To: Steve Laifman <>
Subject: Re: Off Topic "Nat'l Do Not Call"
Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2003 20:01:18 +0000
I am an Alpine owner and a programmer working for the Louisiana Public Service 
Commission.  I am the tech support for the Louisiana Do Not Call Program.  I 
heartily recommend that all of you sign up for the Federal Do Not Call 
Program.  Be patient!  The Feds put this program together very quickly and God 
only knows what glitches they will find. I would give them a day or two after 
signing up and then go check to see it shows you are registered.  It may take 
that long for your data to make the database.

When you do register, also go to this page and see if your state also has a 
DNC program.  Register with that one too.  The rules governing the State and 
Federal DNC programs vary.  Some of the State programs are stronger than the 
Federal program. I wish the Federal program luck, but I want to see how they 
will enforce this program at a national level.  I suspect they will eventually 
force the states to help them.  We had hoped the Feds would simply take it off 
our hands but they didn't.  Besides, our State politicians hated giving up a 
program that smacks of "Good Government" One State Senator tried to create 
a "Do Not SPAM Program".  It is an election year.  I would love it, but I just 
can't see how you could stop SPAM.  The best you can do is slow it down some.

DNC has been working well in Louisiana.  We are small and we really haven't 
burned up the air-waves to advertise.  356,000 consumers have signed up so far 
in Louisiana for the State program in 18 months and I can tell you it has 
dramatically helped.   

Robert Bailey

P.S.  I literally just spoke with our Program Manager for the La. DNC.  She 
just told me that all states will be required to accept all numbers registered 
at the Federal level.  Still register with both to be sure.
> Tigers, 'Pines,
> Just an advisory.  I signed up all our phones for the National Do Not 
> Call registry the first day:
> You get three phone numbers to "de-list" per call.  I never got any 
> confirmatory e-mail.  Went back to the site and used their "verify" 
> option and got three e-mails (one per number) that I was NOT registered.
> Went back again and tried again. This time got three "OK, but complete 
> your registration by clicking here"  (one e-mail and confirmation per 
> number. (Included cell phones. Darned it I am going to pay them to hear 
> their pitch!)
> Then you get a confirmatory e-mail good for 5 years.  "Print and keep 
> copy".  Sure! I can't find the recipe my wife printed last night!  I 
> saved the e-mail in a created IN folder so I could find it (Netscape 
> Browser). as long as the disc doesn't crash!
> Message: Be sure you got the confirmatory and "verified", or that phone 
> will keep ringing.  Wish they would do that for SPAM
> -- 
> Steve Laifman
> Editor

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