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Re: think you know Rootes?

To: "Alpine List" <>
Subject: Re: think you know Rootes?
From: "Russell & Neola" <>
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2003 17:50:16 +1000
Thanks to Vic Hughes for pointing out the question on the year the Humber
Sceptre first went into production had the incorrect answer.

It's been fixed now!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jerome Yuzyk" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, March 08, 2003 11:46 AM
Subject: think you know Rootes?

> Well, up here it's so cold that you have to yell when you're outside or
> your voice freezes in the air before it gets to the other person. Really!
> Fortunately, we have an excellent Internet infrastructure up here so those
> of us not watching curling, or curling up somehow, get to spend many
> mis-directed hours surfing the 'Net, and on my last outing I came across
> an old Rootes Group Trivia program written by Russell Maddock down where
> it's MUCH warmer. He had a note about someone resurrecting the program in
> something more than old Basic, so...
> was born after a couple evenings' work, and some corrections by Russell.
> There is the original database of 100 questions, and could be extended
> pretty infinitely. You can do a test on 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 questions,
> have them marked (with correct answers shown after) and save your score
> for people to see.
> Now that there's a database, we could extend the quiz beyond the original
> 100 questions. I can provide login access to add to the database to a
> couple or three people that wanted to take some time to make a decent
> project of it. I don't want to do more than maintain the operating parts,
> which is good, because I'm sure there are a few of you out there that know
> way more than I ever will.
> This is the old place I'm going to advertise, so that I don't get whumped
> with traffic. Feel free to tell someone from another List if you want.
> Enjoy.
> --
> =              J e r o m e   Y u z y k |
> =    Sunbeam Alpine Series II #9118636 |

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