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AW: Apologies to all

To: "'alpine'" <>
Subject: AW: Apologies to all
From: "Patrick" <>
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2002 00:36:06 +0100
that's no problem, paul. it was obvious to me that it would be a virus. so i
just deleted the message, gone. i don't understand some remarks which where

btw, viruses can only be spread with attachements. and since no attachements
are allowed on the list, nobody is in danger.

happy new year all together

-----Urspr|ngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [] Im
Auftrag von PAUL TRING
Gesendet: Montag, 30. Dezember 2002 22:16
An: alpine
Betreff: Apologies to all 

Well this has been a rough couple of days.As most of you had guessed my
computer was subject to a nasty virus(worm yaha.k) and has been pumping out
emails to all and sundry. I was surprised at some of the nasty comments I
received from the list, and to all those people, yes I do have an anti virus
program installed (norton) but this virus disables it. I used another
programme to find and eliminate the virus but it disabled my operating
system.I have reinstalled it and all appears well although I was unable to
back up any documents I had, so once again sorry for the problems  caused
but this could happen to almost anyone

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