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Soft Tops

Subject: Soft Tops
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2002 14:07:20 EST
Merry Christmas to all the Alpine clan.  I was hopeing to have my car done by 
now but then again when I started this I thought I would be done before last 
Christmas.  But, as with all projects as you tear things apart you decide you 
"might as well" do something else to improve your car.  By the time I am done 
I am going to have a basically new car.
My question is, where would one find a white soft top.  I heard that Robbins 
makes them but where do I find them.  Second question is who knows the best 
process for installation.  My prior soft top was old and brittle.  When I 
tried to stow it, it cracked and broke in several places.  Even with it 
cracked and broken it would not find in the stowage area and allow the panels 
to fit.  My car is a Series I so I have heard they are the hardest to stow.  
Any help would be appreciated.  Again Merry Christmas to all and I hope Santa 
brings us all the Alpine items we need and want.

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