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Re: Remote diagnosis of brake light problem

To: Paul Heuer <>
Subject: Re: Remote diagnosis of brake light problem
From: Jeff Howarth <>
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2002 09:17:52 +0000
Hi Paul,

it sounds more likely that you have a problem with the brakes hanging on
than a faulty switch.

Does the pedal return all the way up on its own?

Also a rebuilt servo can often hang on as either the new seal around the
piston grabs the can or the air valves don't seat properly.

If you start the car and press the brake pedal, brings the lights on,
let go the pedal and see if the stay on. If they do, see if you can push
the car (hand brake off obviously). If not the brakes are grabbing.

Cause is most likely the servo but also sometimes if the piston spring
is weak or the wrong kit is used for the master cylinder it can stop all
the fluid returning - this one has been covered several times before.



In message <>, Paul
Heuer <> writes
>Hi All,
>While I'm in the US, my car is being cared for by my father in 
>Australia. He has just got the car back from having the power booster 
>and master cylinder overhauled. Now the brake lights remain on all the 
>time. They were fine before.
>I seem to recall there was some talk about this on the list in the past. 
>Does anyone have any tips or war stories to tell?
>I'm travelling over the holiday period (forsaking chilly St Louis for 
>Sunny Florida) but will check email every couple of days.
>BTW - the car is a RHD Series 3 if that makes a difference.

Jeff Howarth

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