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Re: [Re: Removing Tranny from bottom and tranny oil]

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: [Re: Removing Tranny from bottom and tranny oil]
From: Jan Eyerman <>
Date: Mon, 02 Dec 2002 22:47:18 -0500
Use of four "alignment" studs screwed into the block solves this problem quite
nicely and easily.

Jan Eyerman wrote:
Thanks Jim.  I did the same.  I think the biggest problem was getting the 
splines to line up and to get the tranny to be in the right horizontal 
plane as it balanced on the jack.  This is probably about the 4th time 
I've done it like this, and the very hardest time.  Hopefully there won't 
be another time soon.

12/02/2002 08:57 AM

        Subject:        Re: Removing Tranny from bottom  and tranny oil

       Use 30wt. NON-detergent oil in your overdrive transmission per the 
Laycock factory recommendation.  I always change transmissions/clutches 
from the bottom.  I raise the rear of the car as high as possible, 
allowing the transmission to be dropped down to a horizontal plane.  It is 
much easier to re-mate the combo when you aren't "pushing" uphill.

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