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Re: converted Huskys[AAC?]

Subject: Re: converted Huskys[AAC?]
From: Victor Hughes <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 13:50:32 +1100
I've seen a few Huskys with V8s on the web, so you better watch out for 
Tigers too!

1963 Alpine III

Jan Eyerman wrote:

> We Hillman owners are considering validating Hillman Huskys to insure that
> they are not "converted" Alpines!
> Jan Eyerman
> 1962 Hillman Minx Series IIIC Convertible
> 1973 Hillman Avenger DL
> wrote:
> If anyone else is on the Tiger List, you'll know what this is about.  If not,
> they are having a fairly heated "discussion" on TAC authentication (required
> vs. "value adding").  I'm glad I'm not in the middle of that.
> Is there an AAC to verify the authenticity of our Alpines?  Maybe I need to
> get mine "done".
> I'd hate to have to prove that my Alpine is not a converted Tiger....
> gary

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