> If anyone else is on the Tiger List, you'll know what this is about. If not,
> they are having a fairly heated "discussion" on TAC authentication (required
> vs. "value adding"). I'm glad I'm not in the middle of that.
> Is there an AAC to verify the authenticity of our Alpines? Maybe I need to
> get mine "done".
> I'd hate to have to prove that my Alpine is not a converted Tiger....
> gary
Yes, To me it seems the California Tiger owners have started/originated
the TACing, to keep their rust free, original Tigers in a category away
from the Eastern, rust repaired cars. I was told, years ago, that the
TACers have three unofficial judged categories: Passed, don't know for
sure, failed. I think there is a lot of uncertainty in the judging of
totally rebuild cars. I think I'm agreeing more with TACing the car at
the point of sale of a car. Just like any expensive item one buys, you
want to inspect it first. I also think that this secret judging criteria
should be released to the public so that all potential buyers can judge
the car for themselves.
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