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Re: Wiring

Subject: Re: Wiring
From: Ron Tebo <>
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 05:11:59 -0700

It's probably just a bad ground. Take a jumper and connect it from the
wing nut at the bottom of the taillight to a good ground and if it
lights up, that's your problem. (after a series of similar problems, I
put a ground on both tail light assemblies on my Series I, and have had
no more problems). If it is just the tail light, the problem may also be
in the snap-in or twist-in bulb socket (Needs cleaning at terminal or
housing contact.

Ron Tebo - Series I - B9000627

PS: Thanks to all who answered on my transmission overhaul (and I
learned that Ziff-Davis makes cartoons, not transmissions!) wrote:
> Does anyone know how the wiring harness is routed from the left tail light to
> the engine compartment? My left rear turn signal is not working on my Series
> I . I've checked the bulb and the lamp and they are ok. I'm getting enough
> current thru the wire to actuate my multi meter, but not enough to make the
> bulb light, must be some resistance somewhere. The left front turn signal
> works good. Any ideas?
> Lynn
> Series I

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