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Shipping Costs

To: "Tiger List" <>,
Subject: Shipping Costs
From: "Dan Eiland" <>
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2002 20:08:25 -0600
Hi Listers,

These lists have always been helpful on everything else so I thought I would
ask about shipping costs. I am trying to find a reasonable way to ship a roll
bar from El Paso, TX to the northeast. I've shipped packages in the past this
size and weight and it wasn't as costly as what I am running into. The package
is 36X30X30 and weighs less than 50lbs. Cost of part is only $200 but I'm now
told the package is too large to ship by mail, UPS, etc. and Freight companies
are quoting $170 to $300. Anyone have a reasonable suggestion on how I could
ship this part at a reasonable price.


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