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Re: Heater drain tray

To: "Berghult, Bob" <>
Subject: Re: Heater drain tray
From: Paul Heuer <>
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2002 15:52:47 -0500
Hi Bob,
I found a 'semi-sealed' battery for my car. It has a vent pipe coming 
out of the top that I routed through the drain hole in the bottom of the 
battery tray. The filler holes on the top have a sealed 'snap' cover 
that can only be opened when the battery is removed from the car, and 
they have no vent holes in them. Unfortunately I bought the battery in 
Australia, and can't recall the name. The battery guy said they use it 
on cars/boats where you don't want the fumes building up inside an 
enclosed area. Hopefully this means no acid in the battery enclosure, 
and no need for a tray!

On Tuesday, October 22, 2002, at 05:37 AM, Berghult, Bob wrote:

> Hi Paul,
>       If you find a source, I think we all would like to know.  Also, one
> item I think we all should have is a battery tray.  I have looked all 
> over,
> but the narrow width is hard to find.  I've tried auto supply, boat 
> places,
> battery shops, electrical repair shops, and the narrowest one I've 
> found is
> 8 ".  Anyone out there know of a source?
> Bob Berghult
> E-mail
> Series II, B9119501 LSRX SB 30 (wife's)
> Series 3, B9203825 LRX GT 39 (son's)
> Series IV, B9405637 LRX 39 (mine)
>  -----Original Message-----
> From:         Paul Heuer []
> Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 8:30 PM
> To:   Mailing List Alpines
> Subject:      Heater drain tray
> Hi all,
> The list is quiet and I can't work on my car - dangerous combination! So
> my thoughts turn to bits I'd like to find...
> Is the rubber drain tray under the heater core available as a repro
> unit, either from SS/Curt, or from the UK? I've seen the 'duckbill
> valve' advertised, but not the whole tray.
> I saw one one recently on ebay - about 10 minutes after the auction
> ended - grrr.
> Cheers,
> Paul in St Louis.

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