Sorry to bomb the list and pester the rest of the World with my posting, so
if you are not interested in this Subject please delete.
Arrived home from the annual TE/AE United in Charleston, S.C. after about
9 and 1/2 hours of driving, which is not to long, but after some very short
nights it felt like forever.
I would like to take a minute to thank Eric Gibeaut and his wife Bonnie,
McLaughlin, and Jim Ellis for putting on a great event, I had a real good
time!! Lots of fun!!
"Bravo Zulu" to the TAC inspection team that was there, I believe it was
something like 15 cars in 2 days while dodging the rain drops? What you
fellows do for us Tiger owners is of great importance to "us", and the only
thing we can give you in return is a very heart felt "Thank You"!
Thanks to everyone that was there, I enjoyed your company and look
foreword to the next time I see you.
Russ Eshelman