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RE: Still hot!!

To: "'Rob Taylor'" <>,
Subject: RE: Still hot!!
From: "Thomas Wiencek" <>
Date: Mon, 7 Oct 2002 09:03:00 -0500
You may want to try this.  Pull out the back two freeze plugs and see if
there is gunk in the water passages.  Use a bent metal rod and then a
bottle brush with lots of flushing.  It seems like some blocks collect
sediment here which may be caused by sand left in the block from the
casting process.

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Rob Taylor
Sent: Saturday, October 05, 2002 8:37 AM
To: Alpine mailing list
Subject: Still hot!!


I know this is an ongoing problem - but I'm still perplexed. A fellow
enthusiast informs me that the overheating may be caused by an "air
lock" or
"bubble" in the cooling system.  (I know how to remedy my own personal
locks - but, I don't think BUDS are part of the equation) How do I rid
my SV
of this problem?

It sorta make sense (I guess, somehow) because after I replaced the
outlet and gasket the car ran fine for all of one day - then... hot
That day, I was sooooo excited that I got on the list and told everyone
problem was fixed (July) - its been parked ever since.  Help!

BYW I've looked at just about everything else - all the usual suspects.



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  • Still hot!!, Rob Taylor
    • RE: Still hot!!, Thomas Wiencek <=