Whatever you do, DO NOT PARK the car on dirt/earth. The moisture coming up
from the ground will eat away the underside. (if you live in Arizona or New
Mexico skip this). A friend of mine had a parking spot that was paved for 1/2
the distance. He always parked his car with the front half over the un-paved
end... his cars ALWAYS rotted in the front. It took him a couple of cars and
about 10 years to figure it out and have the rest of the spot paved.
Jan Eyerman
1962 Hillman Minx Series IIIC Convertible (badly rotted)
1973 Hillman Avenger DL (no rot at all)
jumpinjan <jservaites@woh.rr.com> wrote:
You don't want any cover made with nylon or solid plastic laying on
your finish. The only ones that are any good are the cloth type and they
are just to be used as a dust cover inside or to shade the sun's rays
outside. NONE OF THEM ARE WATERPROOF. The best thing to use is a
temporary carport over your car. The second best option is to cover the
car with some heavy cloth like an old bed spread and then cover that
with a new plastic tarp from Lowes. Remove the covers on sunny days so
everything can dry out.
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