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Re: Choke cable fix?

Subject: Re: Choke cable fix?
From: Ron Tebo <>
Date: Mon, 05 Aug 2002 05:31:00 -0600

I "fixed" this problem on my Series I by gently (this is not easily reversible!)

squeezing the dash end shank of the cable housing with Vise-grips. If new cables

are not available in the US, I think you can probably get one from
Speedograph-Richfield in the UK at

Ron Tebo wrote:

> My Series II has an "issue" with the choke cable.  It seems pretty stiff when
> I pull it out, but upon starting the thing pulls itself right in.  It should
> stay out, until I push it in.  Short of replacing the cable, anybody have an
> idea on how to stiffen it up?
> Gary

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