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Re: chrome pitting

Subject: Re: chrome pitting
From: (T.J. Higgins)
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2002 15:19:26 -0500 (CDT)
mike proper wrote:
> I have slight pitting on some of my chrome door
> handles. Can anything be done? or do the need to be
> sent in for re-chroming.I have tried mothers mag
> polish by hand with no success. They look shiny though
> but still have pitting. Also I remember being able to
> search the archive of this mailing list but do not
> remember where to go now. can someone help direct me.

To remove rusty spots from chrome, rub with aluminum foil.  Maybe this
will work for pitting, too, as long as the pitting is not too deep.

There is no searchable archive anymore that I know of.

T.J. Higgins
Huntsville, AL

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