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June feature

Subject: June feature
From: Ian Spencer <>
Date: Sat, 01 Jun 2002 08:55:56 -0400
I woke up today an realized that it was June 1st already!!! What
happened to May? So, I scrambled to post the feature first thing this
morning. I hope you all enjoy it. Thanks to Steve Silverstein for
putting this together.

Just a reminder. Invasion II is this month! We are looking forward to a
great weekend and we have a lot of great prizes and activities planned
this year. I want to thank Rick at Sunbeam Specialties and Curt at
Classic Sunbeam once again this year for helping out with the door
prizes. We will be giving away $1500 in gift certificates to both Rick
and Curt this year. We also have some other very nice prizes as well.
You must be a registered adult to win.

Watch for Invasion II registration specials on eBay next week. - Ian

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