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Caravan to the Invasion II

To: "Alpine List (E-mail)" <>
Subject: Caravan to the Invasion II
From: "Berghult, Bob" <>
Date: Fri, 31 May 2002 11:57:33 -0400
Hi List,
          I am leaving for the Invasion II the evening of June 19th to drive
north on I-75 or US 411 toward Knoxville, spend the night and get going the
next morning on I-75 to Tipp City.  We would like to hook up with someone
headed the same direction (how about it Lynn).  Do we have any takers?  Or
any ideas?
Bob Berghult
E-mail (work)
E-mail (home)
Series II, B9119501 LSRX SB 30 (wife's)
Series 3, B9203825 LRX GT 39 (son's)
Series IV, B9405637 LRX 39 (mine)

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