Getting to my e-mail after a few days ....
Yes, I watched a 4 cylinder Mustang engine glowing a dull red on a dyno.
Output ? - I think it was about 50 horsepower. I don't remember how
long it took, maybe a minute or two at that output, before the manifold
started to glow, it was approaching cherry red when the engine run was
I asked the dyno operator about this - I was surprised that such a "low"
horsepower output would cause the manifold to glow. He was not surprised
at the red hot manifold. He also pointed out that rerely is one able to get
full output from an automotice engine for several minutes straight. BTW,
he also said that 50 or 60 true horsepower out of the box stock turbo 4
cylinder was a respectable steady state output.
Bill Blue wrote:
> snip
> I have never seen a car manifold glow
> from heat. Has anyone?