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To: (Alpines)
Subject: Re: SOS SUCCESS!!!!
From: (T.J. Higgins)
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 15:19:51 -0500 (CDT)
Ian Spencer wrote:
> I just want to thank Tom Hill, Ed Esslinger and TJ Higgins for a
> fun filled weekend in sunny Huntsville, Alabama this weekend. I
> really had a great time.

Thanks for the kind words, Ian.  I also want to publicly thank Bill 
and Gloria Evans and Tom's lovely assistant Cathy Hovater for their
hard work in making the event a success.

Also thanks to everyone who came to the SOS!  These things wouldn't be
much fun if no one came out to play.  Everyone seemed to have a good 
time, which was very gratifying.  The weather even cooperated, mostly.

Hope to see everyone at the Invasion in June and the TE/AE United in 
South Carolina in October.


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