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Re: Contact Cement Interim Results

Subject: Re: Contact Cement Interim Results
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 11:47:52 EDT
I've found that 3M "77" isn't very effective.  3M "90" (also a spray) is the 
way to go.  It's more expensive but worth it.

Dick Sanders
Kent, WA

In a message dated 4/9/02 8:08:59 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< I think I've had more "me too, tell me what you hear" than specific 
 answers.  So, for all of you, I've had the following from various people:
 1.  "use 3M Super 77 spray adhesive"
 2.  "use the brush-on stuff and NEVER the spray"
 3.  "I was using 3M brush-on and spray-on and had the same problems."
 4.  "All the good EPA unfriendly ones are gone."
 5.  Weldwood contact cement is garbage
 6.  LOCKWOOD contact adhesive worked best
 7. And finally, the #1 response "Gorilla Snot" only available in Nigeria, 
Congo and auto upholstery shops 
 (where it was suggested that it might be easier to get out of the nostrils 
 of a gorilla than your local shop).

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