----- Original Message -----
From: "chuck nicodemus" <armorseal@spiretech.com>
To: "Berghult, Bob" <bob.berghult@lmco.com>
Cc: "'Jarrid Gross'" <JGross@econolite.com>; "Alpine List (E-mail)"
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 10:23 AM
Subject: Re: Spam from fossilcars.com
> Ididn't open it....After last year I only open who I know.
> Cheers
> chuck
That's a good idea, however....... Assume for a moment I get a virus in my
computer and it reproduces by sending itself to everyone in my address book.
You receive the virus and open it because it's addressed to the "Alpine
List". Thus, no protection.
The very first address in my address book is ficticious. It is
00-VirusAlert@bogus.com . Since the address is ficticious, it will obviously
be rejected and come back to me as a rejected email. This will alert me, and
I can then alert others, and go scan my system to find and delete the