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safety gas tanks

To: <>
Subject: safety gas tanks
From: "Brent Edinger" <>
Date: Sun, 17 Mar 2002 10:19:49 -0800
Hello everyone, I agree the gas tanks are not safe. I was rear ended in my
Tiger once by a small pick-up truck. The impact didn't seem too bad, bent in
the bumper and the lower valance, but it damaged the cross pipe and both
vehicles were sitting in a lake of gas. Could have had a large fire but I was
lucky. Now I have a fuel safe fuel cell sitting on the trunk floor. The only
trouble is loss of trunk space and nowhere for the spare tire. I'm trying to
find a space saver spare that will fit where the old gas tanks were.
                           Brent Edinger

Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 23:03:13 -0500
From: "Robert J.Jaarsma" <>
Subject: Safety Gastanks

A friend of mine is building a "modern" Alpine V6.
Ralph Nader would agree with his concern: the safety of the two saddle
tanks and related piping.

Question: Has anybody done anything about this?

I have never seen any discussion on this subject!
Robert Jaarsma


Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 07:36:28 EST
Subject: Re: Safety Gastanks

I was taking the tanks out of a parts car just last weekend and was thinking
as I did it...  WOW what a death trap!!!

More than the saddle bag tanks is the crossover tube!!  What a poor design
for safety.  I hate to think about the folks that were rear ended and their
trunk turned quickly into a raging inferno.

It would not take a whole lot of smack to break those tubes loose, spilling
the entire contents of the tanks out within seconds.

Anyway, not a good situation.  I wonder if the crossover tubes could be
reversed to face forward, giving more protection.

Series 3 GT  (with a gas free trunk)


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